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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
1314 T-17-4248 저자명 : A. Ramos, A. Visozo, J. Piloto, A. Garcia, C. A. Rodriguez and R. Rivero 논문명 : Screening of antimutagenicity via antioxidant activity in Cuban medicinal plants 2003
1313 T-17-4138 저자명 : M. D. Mesa, C. M. Aguilera, C. L. Ramirez-Tortosa, M. C. Ramirez-Tortosa, J. L. Quiles, L. Baro, E. Martinez de Victoria and A. Gil 논문명 : Oral administration of a turmeric extract inhibits erythrocyte and liver microsome membrane oxidation in rabbits fed with an atherogenic diet 2003
1312 T-17-3916 저자명 : J. Y. Fang, C. F. Hung, H. C. Chiu, J. J. Wang and T. F. Chan 논문명 : Efficacy and irritancy of enhancers on the in-vitro and in-vivo percutaneous absorption of curcumin 2003
1311 T-17-3796 저자명 : Liu JC, Kao PK, Chan P, Hsu YH, Hou CC, Lien GS, Hsieh MH, Chen YJ, Cheng JT. 논문명 : Mechanism of the antihypertensive effect of stevioside in anesthetized dogs. 2003
1310 T-17-3795 저자명 : Jeppesen PB, Gregersen S, Rolfsen SE, Jepsen M, Colombo M, Agger A, Xiao J, Kruh첩ffer M, Orntoft T, Hermansen K. 논문명 : Antihyperglycemic and blood pressure-reducing effects of stevioside in the diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rat. 2003
1309 T-17-3792 저자명 : Hsieh MH, Chan P, Sue YM, Liu JC, Liang TH, Huang TY, Tomlinson B, Chow MS, Kao PF, Chen YJ. 논문명 : Efficacy and tolerability of oral stevioside in patients with mild essential hypertension: a two-year, randomized, placebo-controlled study. 2003
1308 T-17-3727 저자명 : P챔rez C, Canal JR, Torres MD. 논문명 : Experimental diabetes treated with ficus carica extract: effect on oxidative stress parameters. 2003
1307 T-17-3580 저자명 : Campanella L, Bonanni A, Favero G, Tomassetti M. 논문명 : Determination of antioxidant properties of aromatic herbs, olives and fresh fruit using an enzymatic sensor. 2003
1306 T-17-3579 저자명 : Jacob RA, Spinozzi GM, Simon VA, Kelley DS, Prior RL, Hess-Pierce B, Kader AA. 논문명 : Consumption of cherries lowers plasma urate in healthy women. 2003
1305 T-17-3553 저자명 : Chen Q, Chan LL, Li ET. 논문명 : Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) reduces adiposity, lowers serum insulin and normalizes glucose tolerance in rats fed a high fat diet. 2003