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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
2654 T-19-0552 저자명 : I. Lavi, D. Friesem, S. Geresh, Y. Hadar and B. Schwartz 논문명 : An aqueous polysaccharide extract from the edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus induces anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects on HT-29 colon cancer cells 2006
2653 T-19-0525 저자명 : A. N. Grechkin, F. Bruhlmann, L. S. Mukhtarova, Y. V. Gogolev and M. Hamberg 논문명 : Hydroperoxide lyases (CYP74C and CYP74B) catalyze the homolytic isomerization of fatty acid hydroperoxides into hemiacetals 2006
2652 T-19-0489 저자명 : P. Balakrishnan, S. Solomon, J. Mohanakrishnan, A. J. Cecelia, N. Kumarasamy, K. G. Murugavel, B. Venkatakrishnan, S. S. Solomon, S. M. Crowe, A. K. Ganesh, S. P. Thyagarajan, T. Flanigan and K. H. Mayer 논문명 : A reliable and inexpensive EasyCD4 assay for monitoring HIV-infected individuals in resource-limited settings 2006
2651 T-19-0477 저자명 : A. Hilou, O. G. Nacoulma and T. R. Guiguemde 논문명 : In vivo antimalarial activities of extracts from Amaranthus spinosus L. and Boerhaavia erecta L. in mice 2006
2650 T-19-0475 저자명 : H. K. Kim, M. J. Kim and D. H. Shin 논문명 : Improvement of lipid profile by amaranth (Amaranthus esculantus) supplementation in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats 2006
2649 T-19-0463 저자명 : H. K. Kim, M. J. Kim, H. Y. Cho, E. K. Kim and D. H. Shin 논문명 : Antioxidative and anti-diabetic effects of amaranth (Amaranthus esculantus) in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats 2006
2648 T-19-0460 저자명 : K. R. Anilakumar, F. Khanum and K. Santhanam 논문명 : Amelioration of hexachlorocyclohexane-induced oxidative stress by amaranth leaves in rats 2006
2647 T-19-0350 저자명 : N. Ryszawa, A. Kawczynska-Drozdz, J. Pryjma, M. Czesnikiewicz-Guzik, T. Adamek-Guzik, M. Naruszewicz, R. Korbut and T. J. Guzik 논문명 : Effects of novel plant antioxidants on platelet superoxide production and aggregation in atherosclerosis 2006
2646 T-19-0283 저자명 : C. Wang, X. Zhao, S. Mao, Y. Wang, X. Cui and Y. Pu 논문명 : Management of SAH with traditional Chinese medicine in China 2006
2645 T-19-0273 저자명 : S. Y. Kim, S. M. Jeong, S. J. Kim, K. I. Jeon, E. Park, H. R. Park and S. C. Lee 논문명 : Effect of heat treatment on the antioxidative and antigenotoxic activity of extracts from persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.) peel 2006