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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
3414 T-14-1654 저자명 : Matsuzaki Y, Koyama M, Hitomi T, Yokota T, Kawanaka M, Nishikawa A, Germain D, Sakai T. 논문명 : Arctiin induces cell growth inhibition through the down-regulation of cyclin D1 expression. 2008
3413 T-14-1653 저자명 : Dos Santos AC, Baggio CH, Freitas CS, Lepieszynski J, Mayer B, Twardowschy A, Missau FC, dos Santos EP, Pizzolatti MG, Marques MC. 논문명 : Gastroprotective activity of the chloroform extract of the roots from Arctium lappa L. 2008
3412 T-14-1652 저자명 : Knipping K, van Esch EC, Wijering SC, van der Heide S, Dubois AE, Garssen J. 논문명 : In vitro and in vivo anti-allergic effects of Arctium lappa L. 2008
3411 T-14-1651 저자명 : Fante CA, Dieterish S, Rodriguez R. 논문명 : [Betamethasone and aqueous extract of Arctium lappa for treating angiostrongyliasis]. 2008
3410 T-14-1650 저자명 : Knott A, Reuschlein K, Mielke H, Wensorra U, Mummert C, Koop U, Kausch M, Kolbe L, Peters N, St채b F, Wenck H, Gallinat S. 논문명 : Natural Arctium lappa fruit extract improves the clinical signs of aging skin. 2008
3409 T-14-1649 저자명 : Mo F, Hu JY, Gan Y, Zhao YX, Zhao XT. 논문명 : [The anti-tumour effect of Wuxing soup and its mechanism in inducing apoptosis of tumour cells mediated by calcium]. 2008
3408 T-14-1638 저자명 : Parmar HS, Kar A. 논문명 : Possible amelioration of atherogenic diet induced dyslipidemia, hypothyroidism and hyperglycemia by the peel extracts of Mangifera indica, Cucumis melo and Citrullus vulgaris fruits in rats. 2008
3407 T-14-1637 저자명 : Kumar S, Kumar D, Manjusha, Saroha K, Singh N, Vashishta B. 논문명 : Antioxidant and free radical scavenging potential of Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. methanolic fruit extract. 2008
3406 T-14-1636 저자명 : van Breemen RB, Pajkovic N. 논문명 : Multitargeted therapy of cancer by lycopene. 2008
3405 T-14-1629 저자명 : Suda I, Ishikawa F, Hatakeyama M, Miyawaki M, Kudo T, Hirano K, Ito A, Yamakawa O, Horiuchi S. 논문명 : Intake of purple sweet potato beverage affects on serum hepatic biomarker levels of healthy adult men with borderline hepatitis. 2008