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번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
3844 T-19-0509 저자명 : P. L. Owen, L. C. Martineau, D. Caves, P. S. Haddad, T. Matainaho and T. Johns 논문명 : Consumption of guava (Psidium guajava L) and noni (Morinda citrifolia L) may protect betel quid-chewing Papua New Guineans against diabetes 2008
3843 T-19-0490 저자명 : T. D. Costa, S. Vieira, S. F. Andrade and E. L. Maistro 논문명 : Absence of mutagenicity effects of Psidium cattleyanum Sabine (Myrtaceae) extract on peripheral blood and bone marrow cells of mice 2008
3842 T-19-0399 저자명 : M. Y. Kim, P. Seguin, J. K. Ahn, J. J. Kim, S. C. Chun, E. H. Kim, S. H. Seo, E. Y. Kang, S. L. Kim, Y. J. Park, H. M. Ro and I. M. Chung 논문명 : Phenolic compound concentration and antioxidant activities of edible and medicinal mushrooms from Korea 2008
3841 T-19-0369 저자명 : D. Zapolska-Downar, G. Nowicka, G. Sygitowicz and M. Jarosz 논문명 : Anthocyanin-rich Aronox extract from Aronia melanocarpa E protects against 7beta-hydroxycholesterol-induced apoptosis of endothelial cells 2008
3840 T-19-0343 저자명 : B. Olas, B. Wachowicz, A. Tomczak, J. Erler, A. Stochmal and W. Oleszek 논문명 : Comparative anti-platelet and antioxidant properties of polyphenol-rich extracts from: berries of Aronia melanocarpa, seeds of grape and bark of Yucca schidigera in vitro 2008
3839 T-19-0342 저자명 : B. Olas, B. Wachowicz, P. Nowak, M. Kedzierska, A. Tomczak, A. Stochmal, W. Oleszek, A. Jeziorski and J. Piekarski 논문명 : Studies on antioxidant properties of polyphenol-rich extract from berries of Aronia melanocarpa in blood platelets 2008
3838 T-19-0317 저자명 : A. Jurgonski, J. Juskiewicz and Z. Zdunczyk 논문명 : Ingestion of black chokeberry fruit extract leads to intestinal and systemic changes in a rat model of prediabetes and hyperlipidemia 2008
3837 T-19-0274 저자명 : Y. A. Lee, E. J. Cho and T. Yokozawa 논문명 : Protective effect of persimmon (Diospyros kaki) peel proanthocyanidin against oxidative damage under H2O2-induced cellular senescence 2008
3836 T-19-0239 저자명 : U. Pappier, V. Fernandez Pinto, G. Larumbe and G. Vaamonde 논문명 : Effect of processing for saponin removal on fungal contamination of quinoa seeds (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) 2008
3835 T-19-0190 저자명 : Y. Yao, F. Shan, J. Bian, F. Chen, M. Wang and G. Ren 논문명 : D-chiro-inositol-enriched tartary buckwheat bran extract lowers the blood glucose level in KK-Ay mice 2008