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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
4914 T-17-2104 저자명 : Prakash UN, Srinivasan K. 논문명 : Gastrointestinal protective effect of dietary spices during ethanol-induced oxidant stress in experimental rats. 2010
4913 T-17-2103 저자명 : Colson P, Richet H, Desnues C, Balique F, Moal V, Grob JJ, Berbis P, Lecoq H, Harl챕 JR, Berland Y, Raoult D. 논문명 : Pepper mild mottle virus, a plant virus associated with specific immune responses, Fever, abdominal pains, and pruritus in humans. 2010
4912 T-17-2102 저자명 : Shirai Y, Ueno S, Nakayama A, Ikeuchi K, Ubukata K, Mihara R, Bernard BK. 논문명 : Studies of the toxicological potential of capsinoids, XII: pharmacokinetic study of capsinoid-containing CH-19 Sweet extract in rats. 2010
4911 T-17-2101 저자명 : Powell SC. 논문명 : Red pepper as a probe for obesity. 2010
4910 T-17-2100 저자명 : Wongwiwat P, Wattanachant S, Siripongvutikorn S. 논문명 : Effect of phosphate treatments on microbiological, physicochemical changes of spent hen muscle marinated with Tom Yum paste during chilled storage. 2010
4909 T-17-2099 저자명 : Reuter J, Merfort I, Schempp CM. 논문명 : Botanicals in dermatology: an evidence-based review. 2010
4908 T-17-2098 저자명 : Rho YW, Bae YS. 논문명 : Capsaicin, a component of red peppers, stimulates protein kinase CKII activity. 2010
4907 T-17-2097 저자명 : Suresh D, Srinivasan K. 논문명 : Tissue distribution & elimination of capsaicin, piperine & curcumin following oral intake in rats. 2010
4906 T-17-2096 저자명 : Yamaguchi M, Hasegawa I, Yahagi N, Ishigaki Y, Takano F, Ohta T. 논문명 : Carotenoids modulate cytokine production in Peyer's patch cells ex vivo. 2010
4905 T-17-2095 저자명 : Ishii-Katsuno R, Nakajima A, Katsuno T, Nojima J, Futai E, Sasagawa N, Yoshida T, Watanabe Y, Ishiura S. 논문명 : Reduction of amyloid beta-peptide accumulation in Tg2576 transgenic mice by oral vaccination. 2010