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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
5934 T-17-4438 저자명 : W. F. Yiu, P. L. Kwan, C. Y. Wong, T. S. Kam, S. M. Chiu, S. W. Chan and R. Chan 논문명 : Attenuation of fatty liver and prevention of hypercholesterolemia by extract of Curcuma longa through regulating the expression of CYP7A1, LDL-receptor, HO-1, and HMG-CoA reductase 2011
5933 T-17-4426 저자명 : L. Xie, X. K. Li and S. Takahara 논문명 : Curcumin has bright prospects for the treatment of multiple sclerosis 2011
5932 T-17-4412 저자명 : R. Wilken, M. S. Veena, M. B. Wang and E. S. Srivatsan 논문명 : Curcumin: A review of anti-cancer properties and therapeutic activity in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma 2011
5931 T-17-4410 저자명 : B. White and D. Z. Judkins 논문명 : Clinical Inquiry. Does turmeric relieve inflammatory conditions? 2011
5930 T-17-4403 저자명 : Y. Wang, A. K. Rishi, W. Wu, L. Polin, S. Sharma, E. Levi, S. Albelda, H. I. Pass and A. Wali 논문명 : Curcumin suppresses growth of mesothelioma cells in vitro and in vivo, in part, by stimulating apoptosis 2011
5929 T-17-4376 저자명 : K. Tsuiji, T. Takeda, B. Li, A. Wakabayashi, A. Kondo, T. Kimura and N. Yaegashi 논문명 : Inhibitory effect of curcumin on uterine leiomyoma cell proliferation 2011
5928 T-17-4361 저자명 : K. Taty Anna, M. R. Elvy Suhana, S. Das, O. Faizah and A. H. Hamzaini 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory effect of Curcuma longa (turmeric) on collagen-induced arthritis: an anatomico-radiological study 2011
5927 T-17-4330 저자명 : C. Sookram, M. Tan, R. Daya, S. Heffernan and R. K. Mishra 논문명 : Curcumin prevents haloperidol-induced development of abnormal oro-facial movements: possible implications of Bcl-XL in its mechanism of action 2011
5926 T-17-4311 저자명 : L. Shu, T. O. Khor, J. H. Lee, S. S. Boyanapalli, Y. Huang, T. Y. Wu, C. L. Saw, K. L. Cheung and A. N. Kong 논문명 : Epigenetic CpG demethylation of the promoter and reactivation of the expression of Neurog1 by curcumin in prostate LNCaP cells 2011
5925 T-17-4290 저자명 : M. Schaffer, P. M. Schaffer, J. Zidan and G. Bar Sela 논문명 : Curcuma as a functional food in the control of cancer and inflammation 2011