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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7124 T-19-0384 저자명 : T. G. Cesca, L. G. Faqueti, L. W. Rocha, N. A. Meira, C. Meyre-Silva, M. M. de Souza, N. L. Quintao, R. M. Silva, V. C. Filho and T. M. Bresolin 논문명 : Antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory and wound healing features in animal models treated with a semisolid herbal medicine based on Aleurites moluccana L. Willd. Euforbiaceae standardized leaf extract: semisolid herbal 2012
7123 T-19-0374 저자명 : M. Martinez-Vazquez, R. Estrada-Reyes, A. G. Araujo Escalona, I. Ledesma Velazquez, L. Martinez-Mota, J. Moreno and G. Heinze 논문명 : Antidepressant-like effects of an alkaloid extract of the aerial parts of Annona cherimolia in mice 2012
7122 T-19-0368 저자명 : D. Zapolska-Downar, D. Bryk, M. Malecki, K. Hajdukiewicz and D. Sitkiewicz 논문명 : Aronia melanocarpa fruit extract exhibits anti-inflammatory activity in human aortic endothelial cells 2012
7121 T-19-0335 저자명 : J. Malinowska, K. Babicz, B. Olas, A. Stochmal and W. Oleszek 논문명 : Aronia melanocarpa extract suppresses the biotoxicity of homocysteine and its metabolite on the hemostatic activity of fibrinogen and plasma 2012
7120 T-19-0322 저자명 : M. Kedzierska, B. Olas, B. Wachowicz, R. Glowacki, E. Bald, U. Czernek, K. Szydlowska-Pazera, P. Potemski, J. Piekarski and A. Jeziorski 논문명 : Effects of the commercial extract of aronia on oxidative stress in blood platelets isolated from breast cancer patients after the surgery and various phases of the chemotherapy 2012
7119 T-19-0311 저자명 : A. Girones-Vilaplana, P. Valentao, P. B. Andrade, F. Ferreres, D. A. Moreno and C. Garcia-Viguera 논문명 : Phytochemical profile of a blend of black chokeberry and lemon juice with cholinesterase inhibitory effect and antioxidant potential 2012
7118 T-19-0308 저자명 : P. Duchnowicz, A. Nowicka, M. Koter-Michalak and M. Broncel 논문명 : In vivo influence of extract from Aronia melanocarpa on the erythrocyte membranes in patients with hypercholesterolemia 2012
7117 T-19-0294 저자명 : R. Balansky, G. Ganchev, M. Iltcheva, M. Kratchanova, P. Denev, C. Kratchanov, K. Polasa, F. D'Agostini, V. E. Steele and S. De Flora 논문명 : Inhibition of lung tumor development by berry extracts in mice exposed to cigarette smoke 2012
7116 T-19-0277 저자명 : K. Matsumoto and S. Yokoyama 논문명 : Induction of uncoupling protein-1 and -3 in brown adipose tissue by kaki-tannin in type 2 diabetic NSY/Hos mice 2012
7115 T-19-0227 저자명 : A. M. Gomez-Caravaca, G. Iafelice, A. Lavini, C. Pulvento, M. F. Caboni and E. Marconi 논문명 : Phenolic compounds and saponins in quinoa samples (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) grown under different saline and nonsaline irrigation regimens 2012