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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
8354 T-14-0702 저자명 : Burton-Freeman B, Sesso HD. 논문명 : Whole food versus supplement: comparing the clinical evidence of tomato intake and lycopene supplementation on cardiovascular risk factors. 2014
8353 T-14-0700 저자명 : Hazewindus M, Haenen GR, Weseler AR, Bast A. 논문명 : Protection against chemotaxis in the anti-inflammatory effect of bioactives from tomato ketchup. 2014
8352 T-14-0675 저자명 : Hamat-Mecbur H, Yilmaz S, Temel A, Sahin K, Gozukirmizi N. 논문명 : Effects of epirubicin on barley seedlings. 2014
8351 T-14-0672 저자명 : Xu W, Meng Y, Wise RP. 논문명 : Mla- and Rom1-mediated control of microRNA398 and chloroplast copper/zinc superoxide dismutase regulates cell death in response to the barley powdery mildew fungus. 2014
8350 T-14-0670 저자명 : Gul S, Ahmed S, Kifli N, Uddin QT, Batool Tahir N, Hussain A, Jaafar HZ, Moga M, Zia-Ul-Haq M. 논문명 : Multiple pathways are responsible for anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular activities of Hordeum vulgare L. 2014
8349 T-14-0669 저자명 : Liu J, Cheng X, Liu D, Xu W, Wise R, Shen QH. 논문명 : The miR9863 family regulates distinct Mla alleles in barley to attenuate NLR receptor-triggered disease resistance and cell-death signaling. 2014
8348 T-14-0668 저자명 : Minaiyan M, Ghannadi A, Movahedian A, Hakim-Elahi I. 논문명 : Effect of Hordeum vulgare L. (Barley) on blood glucose levels of normal and STZ-induced diabetic rats. 2014
8347 T-14-0662 저자명 : Gupta A, Agarwal NK, Byadgi PS. 논문명 : Clinical assessment of dietary interventions and lifestyle modifications in Madhumeha (type- 2 Diabetes Mellitus). 2014
8346 T-14-0650 저자명 : Nugara RN, Inafuku M, Iwasaki H, Oku H. 논문명 : Partially purified Peucedanum japonicum Thunb extracts exert anti-obesity effects in vitro. 2014
8345 T-14-0649 저자명 : Nugara RN, Inafuku M, Takara K, Iwasaki H, Oku H. 논문명 : Pteryxin: a coumarin in Peucedanum japonicum Thunb leaves exerts antiobesity activity through modulation of adipogenic gene network. 2014