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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
9404 T-14-0200 저자명 : Watanabe J, Kaifuchi N, Kushida H, Matsumoto T, Fukutake M, Nishiyama M, Yamamoto M, Kono T. 논문명 : Intestinal, portal, and peripheral profiles of daikenchuto (TU-100)'s active ingredients after oral administration. 2015
9403 T-14-0199 저자명 : Kocaadam B, 힇anlier N. 논문명 : Curcumin, an Active Component of Turmeric (Curcuma longa), and Its Effects on Health. 2015
9402 T-14-0198 저자명 : Mizuno D, Konoha-Mizuno K, Mori M, Yamazaki K, Haneda T, Koyama H, Kawahara M. 논문명 : An In Vitro System Comprising Immortalized Hypothalamic Neuronal Cells (GT1-7 Cells) for Evaluation of the Neuroendocrine Effects of Essential Oils. 2015
9401 T-14-0197 저자명 : Toda K, Takeda S, Hitoe S, Nakamura S, Matsuda H, Shimoda H. 논문명 : Enhancement of energy production by black ginger extract containing polymethoxy flavonoids in myocytes through improving glucose, lactic acid and lipid metabolism. 2015
9400 T-14-0196 저자명 : Amorndoljai P, Taneepanichskul S, Niempoog S, Nimmannit U. 논문명 : Improving of Knee Osteoarthritic Symptom by the Local Application of Ginger Extract Nanoparticles: A Preliminary Report with Short Term Follow-Up. 2015
9399 T-14-0195 저자명 : Watanabe T, Terada Y. 논문명 : Food Compounds Activating Thermosensitive TRP Channels in Asian Herbal and Medicinal Foods. 2015
9398 T-14-0194 저자명 : Hamad GM, Taha TH, El-Deeb NM, Alshehri AM. 논문명 : Advanced trends in controlling Helicobacter pylori infections using functional and therapeutically supplements in baby milk. 2015
9397 T-14-0193 저자명 : Zhuang X, Deng ZB, Mu J, Zhang L, Yan J, Miller D, Feng W, McClain CJ, Zhang HG. 논문명 : Ginger-derived nanoparticles protect against alcohol-induced liver damage. 2015
9396 T-14-0192 저자명 : Rastogi N, Duggal S, Singh SK, Porwal K, Srivastava VK, Maurya R, Bhatt ML, Mishra DP. 논문명 : Proteasome inhibition mediates p53 reactivation and anti-cancer activity of 6-gingerol in cervical cancer cells. 2015
9395 T-14-0191 저자명 : Lim S, Choi JG, Moon M, Kim HG, Lee W, Bak HR, Sung H, Park CH, Kim SY, Oh MS. 논문명 : An Optimized Combination of Ginger and Peony Root Effectively Inhibits Amyloid-棺 Accumulation and Amyloid-棺-Mediated Pathology in A棺PP/PS1 Double-Transgenic Mice. 2015