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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11014 T-17-4653 저자명 : Li J, Ruzhi Deng, Hua X, Zhang L, Lu F, Coursey TG, Pflugfelder SC, Li DQ. 논문명 : Blueberry Component Pterostilbene Protects Corneal Epithelial Cells from Inflammation via Anti-oxidative Pathway. 2016
11013 T-17-4652 저자명 : Ferlemi AV, Makri OE, Mermigki PG, Lamari FN, Georgakopoulos CD. 논문명 : Quercetin glycosides and chlorogenic acid in highbush blueberry leaf decoction prevent cataractogenesis in혻vivo and in혻vitro: Investigation of the effect on calpains, antioxidant and metal chelating properties. 2016
11012 T-17-4651 저자명 : Yuan Z, Zhang J, Tu C, Wang Z, Xin W. 논문명 : The protective effect of blueberry anthocyanins against perfluorooctanoic acid-induced disturbance in planarian (Dugesia japonica). 2016
11011 T-17-4650 저자명 : Chua CS, Yang KC, Chen JH, Liu YH, Hsu YH, Lee HC, Huang SY. 논문명 : The efficacy of blueberry and grape seed extract combination on triple therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication: a randomised controlled trial. 2016
11010 T-17-4649 저자명 : Wu T, Jiang Z, Yin J, Long H, Zheng X. 논문명 : Anti-obesity effects of artificial planting blueberry (Vaccinium ashei) anthocyanin in high-fat diet-treated mice. 2016
11009 T-17-4648 저자명 : Bensalem J, Servant L, Alfos S, Gaudout D, Lay챕 S, Pallet V, Lafenetre P. 논문명 : Dietary Polyphenol Supplementation Prevents Alterations of Spatial Navigation in Middle-Aged Mice. 2016
11008 T-17-4647 저자명 : Beracochea D, Krazem A, Henkouss N, Haccard G, Roller M, Fromentin E. 논문명 : Intake of Wild Blueberry Powder Improves Episodic-Like and Working Memory during Normal Aging in Mice. 2016
11007 T-17-4646 저자명 : Nardi GM, Farias Januario AG, Freire CG, Megiolaro F, Schneider K, Perazzoli MR, Do Nascimento SR, Gon AC, Mariano LN, Wagner G, Niero R, Locatelli C. 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory Activity of Berry Fruits in Mice Model of Inflammation is Based on Oxidative Stress Modulation. 2016
11006 T-17-4645 저자명 : Johnson MH, Wallig M, Luna Vital DA, de Mejia EG. 논문명 : Alcohol-free fermented blueberry-blackberry beverage phenolic extract attenuates diet-induced obesity and blood glucose in C57BL/6J mice. 2016
11005 T-17-4644 저자명 : Ferlemi AV, Lamari FN. 논문명 : Berry Leaves: An Alternative Source of Bioactive Natural Products of Nutritional and Medicinal Value. 2016