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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
164 T-17-3954 저자명 : K. Hastak, N. Lubri, S. D. Jakhi, C. More, A. John, S. D. Ghaisas and S. V. Bhide 논문명 : Effect of turmeric oil and turmeric oleoresin on cytogenetic damage in patients suffering from oral submucous fibrosis 1997
163 T-17-3849 저자명 : P. S. Babu and K. Srinivasan 논문명 : Hypolipidemic action of curcumin, the active principle of turmeric (Curcuma longa) in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats 1997
162 T-17-3038 저자명 : Malag처n F, V찼zquez J, Delgado G, Ruiz A. 논문명 : Antimalaric effect of an alcoholic extract of Artemisia ludoviciana mexicana in a rodent malaria model. 1997
161 T-17-3037 저자명 : Allen PC, Lydon J, Danforth HD. 논문명 : Effects of components of Artemisia annua on coccidia infections in chickens. 1997
160 T-17-2591 저자명 : Fukunaga T, Miura T, Furuta K, Kato A. 논문명 : Hypoglycemic effect of the rhizomes of Smilax glabra in normal and diabetic mice. 1997
159 T-17-2257 저자명 : Lim K, Yoshioka M, Kikuzato S, Kiyonaga A, Tanaka H, Shindo M, Suzuki M. 논문명 : Dietary red pepper ingestion increases carbohydrate oxidation at rest and during exercise in runners. 1997
158 T-17-2256 저자명 : Oshima S, Sakamoto H, Ishiguro Y, Terao J. 논문명 : Accumulation and clearance of capsanthin in blood plasma after the ingestion of paprika juice in men. 1997
157 T-17-2255 저자명 : Foti C, Carino M, Cassano N, Panebianco R, Ve챰a GA, Ambrosi L. 논문명 : Occupational contact urticaria from paprika. 1997
156 T-17-2254 저자명 : Nalini N, Sabitha K, Chitra S, Viswanathan P, Menon VP. 논문명 : Histopathological and lipid changes in experimental colon cancer: effect of coconut kernal (Cocos nucifera Linn.) and (Capsicum annum Linn.) red chilli powder. 1997
155 T-17-1970 저자명 : Ziyyat A, Legssyer A, Mekhfi H, Dassouli A, Serhrouchni M, Benjelloun W. 논문명 : Phytotherapy of hypertension and diabetes in oriental Morocco. 1997