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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
414 T-17-2321 저자명 : Kuo YC, Sun CM, Tsai WJ, Ou JC, Chen WP, Lin CY. 논문명 : Blocking of cell proliferation, cytokines production and genes expression following administration of Chinese herbs in the human mesangial cells. 1999
413 T-17-2247 저자명 : Graham DY, Anderson SY, Lang T. 논문명 : Garlic or jalape챰o peppers for treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection. 1999
412 T-17-2245 저자명 : Eseverri JL, Cozzo M, Castillo Mf, Mar챠n A. 논문명 : [Round Table: Immunological urticaria mediated by IgE]. 1999
411 T-17-2244 저자명 : Suganuma H, Hirano T, Inakuma T. 논문명 : Amelioratory effect of dietary ingestion with red bell pepper on learning impairment in senescence-accelerated mice (SAMP8). 1999
410 T-17-2243 저자명 : al-Qarawi AA, Adam SE. 논문명 : Effects of red chilli (Capsicum frutescens L) on rats. 1999
409 T-17-2242 저자명 : Cruz L, Casta챰eda-Hern찼ndez G, Navarrete A. 논문명 : Ingestion of chilli pepper (Capsicum annuum) reduces salicylate bioavailability after oral asprin administration in the rat. 1999
408 T-17-2241 저자명 : Richeux F, Cascante M, Ennamany R, Saboureau D, Creppy EE. 논문명 : Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of capsaicin in human neuroblastoma cells SHSY-5Y. 1999
407 T-17-2240 저자명 : Asai A, Nakagawa K, Miyazawa T. 논문명 : Antioxidative effects of turmeric, rosemary and capsicum extracts on membrane phospholipid peroxidation and liver lipid metabolism in mice. 1999
406 T-17-2237 저자명 : Yoshioka M, St-Pierre S, Drapeau V, Dionne I, Doucet E, Suzuki M, Tremblay A. 논문명 : Effects of red pepper on appetite and energy intake. 1999
405 T-17-2189 저자명 : Babu PS, Srinivasan K. 논문명 : Renal lesions in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats maintained on onion and capsaicin containing diets. 1999