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번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
764 T-17-3448 저자명 : Mishra Y, Rana PK, Shirin F, Ansari SA. 논문명 : Augmenting in vitro shoot multiplication by vipul (triacontanol) and adventitious rhizogenesis by rice bran extract in Dendrocalamus strictus. 2001
763 T-17-3447 저자명 : Nagasawa H, Murayama Y, Ishigame H. 논문명 : Food restriction and spontaneous motor activity in male mice: effects of feeding pattern, far-infrared ray and bamboo grass leaf extract. 2001
762 T-17-3446 저자명 : Nagasawa H, Hattori A. 논문명 : Effects of gonadectomy at different ages and Sasa Health, bamboo grass leaf extract, on spontaneous motor activity in female and male mice. 2001
761 T-17-3143 저자명 : Asano N, Yamashita T, Yasuda K, Ikeda K, Kizu H, Kameda Y, Kato A, Nash RJ, Lee HS, Ryu KS. 논문명 : Polyhydroxylated alkaloids isolated from mulberry trees (Morusalba L.) and silkworms (Bombyx mori L.). 2001
760 T-17-3034 저자명 : Balint GA. 논문명 : Artemisinin and its derivatives: an important new class of antimalarial agents. 2001
759 T-17-3033 저자명 : Dias PC, Foglio MA, Possenti A, Nogueira DC, de Carvalho JE. 논문명 : Antiulcerogenic activity of crude ethanol extract and some fractions obtained from aerial parts of Artemisia annua L. 2001
758 T-17-2942 저자명 : Ahn BT, Lee S, Lee SB, Lee ES, Kim JG, Bok SH, Jeong TS. 논문명 : Low-density lipoprotein-antioxidant constituents of Saururus chinensis. 2001
757 T-17-2513 저자명 : Sheng MX, Li JZ, Wang HY. 논문명 : [Therapeutic effect of Astragalus and Angelica on renal injury induced by ischemia/reperfusion in rats]. 2001
756 T-17-2360 저자명 : Wu F, Cao J, Jiang J, Yu B, Xu Q. 논문명 : Ruscogenin glycoside (Lm-3) isolated from Liriope muscari improves liver injury by dysfunctioning liver-infiltrating lymphocytes. 2001
755 T-17-2320 저자명 : Lim KT, Hu C, Kitts DD. 논문명 : Antioxidant activity of a Rhus verniciflua Stokes ethanol extract. 2001